This inventive animated comedy series, set inside a giant fish tank in Bud's Pet Shop, presents high school life as seen through the eyes of three BFFs (best fish friends), Bea, Milo and Oscar. Together they experience the typical life …
Justin Roiland,
Kyle Massey,
Chelsea Kane,
Jerry O'Connell,
Jason Alexander,
Jerry Stiller,
Jennifer Coolidge
Added on Disney 2020-12-13.
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Sudha Mishra is 67 years old, divorced woman that leaves the responsibility of taking care of her house by Sumit, her niece’s fiancé. The most important instruction given to Sumit was to ‘Feed The Fish & Water The Plants’. His …
Added on Netflix 2022-03-29.
When a former shop owner grows bored of retirement, he buys a fish pond and manages the new hijinks in his life with a staff of quirky employees.
Mamat Alkatiri,
Ernest Prakasa,
Chew Kin-Wah,
Dodit Mulyanto,
Dion Wiyoko,
Adinia Wirasti
Added on Netflix 2022-03-30.
Paul Hogan plays Charlie McFarland and Shane Jacobson plays his estranged son, Boots. After a family tragedy Charlie and Boots try and put their differences aside and head off on the road trip of a lifetime - from regional Victoria …
Paul Hogan,
Shane Jacobson,
Roy Billing,
Morgan Griffin,
Anthony Hammer,
Bec Asha,
Alan Powell
Added on Amazon Prime 2023-03-27.
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