A gripping war drama that tells the story of Maria Petrova, in whose fate, as in a mirror, the fate of the country was reflected: the daughter of a priest, who renounced her father and the faith, she serves in …
Mariya Lugovaya,
Artur Smolyaninov,
Ilya Malakov,
Olga Lapshina,
Sergey Puskepalis,
Stanislav Selivanov,
Sergej Kolesnikov
Added on Amazon Prime 2023-05-25.
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The entire family of a 6-year-old Anna dies in the mass coordinated execution of Jews. The mother covers up Anna with her own body, and the girl miraculously survives. For the next few hundred days Anna hides in the disused …
Marta Kozlova,
Lyubov Vorozhtsova,
Vladimir Sapin,
Aleksandr Vakhov,
Konstantin Itunin,
Sergey Fedorov,
Nikolai Kolyada
Added on Amazon Prime 2023-03-27.
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