An animated adventure rescue series about four loveable, enthusiastic and heroic young deer friends – Kai, Lola, Rammy and Bobbi, who protect the animals of Central Forest and the humans who inhabit Platinum City.
Connor Andrade,
Brody Allen,
Juliet Rusche,
Holden Thomas Maynard,
Jaiden Cannatelli,
Doug Erholtz,
Julie Maddalena
Added on Paramount 2023-05-18.
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Dana, a paleontologist in training, and her sister Emily embark on a series of adventures with dinosaurs.
Michela Luci,
Saara Chaudry,
Nicola Correia Damude,
Amish Patel,
Jaiden Cannatelli,
Loretta Yu,
Scott Farley
Added on Amazon Prime 2023-02-09.
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