The series revolves around the Mizuki Diving Club (MDC), which is on the verge of closing down after having financial troubles. The club's new coach persuades the club's parent company to stay open on one condition: that the club sends …
Koki Uchiyama,
Yuki Kaji,
Takahiro Sakurai,
Yuichi Nakamura
Added on Amazon Prime 2020-12-18.
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In an era where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, a young samurai finds work however he can.
Shun Oguri,
Masaki Suda,
Kanna Hashimoto,
Yuya Yagira,
Hirofumi Arai,
Ryo Yoshizawa,
Akari Hayami
Added on Amazon Prime 2023-03-29.
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