The story follows 27-year-old Tokyo office worker Mire Yoshizuki who just returned to Japan, 22-year-old fourth-year college student Sora Nagase who aspires to be a teacher, and 20-year-old boyish, part-time Hiroshima okonomiyaki shop worker and freelancer Reika Kawatani. What draws …
Aoi Morikawa,
Rena Matsui,
Kanako Momota,
Kenta Hamano,
Shohei Miura,
Akira Ishida,
Chiemi Chiba
Added on Amazon Prime 2023-03-29.
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A pioneering roboticist awakens in 2025 after decades in cryosleep. To change the past and reunite with his adopted sister, he seeks a way back to 1995.
Kento Yamazaki,
Kaya Kiyohara,
Naohito Fujiki,
Hidekazu Mashima,
Kenta Hamano,
Tomorowo Taguchi,
Rin Takanashi,
Taizo Harada
Added on Netflix 2021-12-28.
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People bring their stories of missed lust connections to an objective panel of experts who then judge whether they could have gone all the way or not.
Munenori Nagano,
Yuka Kuramochi,
Yuta Koseki,
Aoi Morikawa,
Akiyoshi Nakao,
Mayuko Fukuda,
Mai Shiraishi,
Kenta Hamano,
Rena Takeda,
Takayuki Yamada,
Yuki Morinaga,
Tamotsu Kanshuji,
Yosuke Sugino,
Maika Yamamoto,
Masato Yano,
Shotaro Mamiya,
Shiori Enatsu,
Mari Yamachi,
Jiro Sato,
Yuka Ogura,
Toru Tezuka
Added on Netflix 2018-08-01.
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