The story follows 27-year-old Tokyo office worker Mire Yoshizuki who just returned to Japan, 22-year-old fourth-year college student Sora Nagase who aspires to be a teacher, and 20-year-old boyish, part-time Hiroshima okonomiyaki shop worker and freelancer Reika Kawatani. What draws …
Aoi Morikawa,
Rena Matsui,
Kanako Momota,
Kenta Hamano,
Shohei Miura,
Akira Ishida,
Chiemi Chiba
Added on Amazon Prime 2023-03-29.
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Five beautiful but mysterious women move in with unsuccessful novelist Shin, who manages their odd household in exchange for a tidy monthly sum.
Yuya Endo,
Rila Fukushima,
Takashi Yamanaka,
Mariko Tsutsui,
Yojiro Noda,
Tetsuhiro Ikeda,
Rena Takeda,
Moeka Hoshi,
Kanji Furutachi,
Lily Franky,
Kaito Yoshimura,
Yuko Araki,
Juri Ihata,
Rena Matsui,
Tomoya Nakamura,
Miwako Wagatsuma
Added on Netflix 2017-08-16.
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