Set in the 1990's, the drama centers around a female high school student Shi Won, who idolizes boyband H.O.T and her 5 high school friends in Busan. As the timeline moves back and forth between their past as 18-year-old high …
Jung Eun-ji,
Seo In-guk,
Eun Ji-won,
Lee Ho-won,
Shin So-yul,
Lee Si-eon,
Sung Dong-il
Added on Amazon Prime 2023-02-08.
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Religious psychopath Sawney stalks Scotland abducting unholy souls for his communion of sacrifices. With his insane family of inbred killers, Sawney tortures and eats their victims saving the best morsels for a chained-up figure in their cavernous Highlands lair. As …
Elizabeth Brown,
Lisa Cameron,
Lindsay Cromar,
Shian Denovan,
Samuel Feeney,
David Hayman,
William Houston
Added on Amazon Prime 2023-02-08.
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