Spider-Man: The New Animated Series is an American animated series based on the Marvel comic book superhero character Spider-Man, which ran for one season, 13 episodes, starting on July 11, 2003. It is a loose continuation of 2002's Spider-Man film …
Neil Patrick Harris,
Lisa Loeb,
Ian Ziering,
Angelle Brooks,
Su-chin Pak,
Keith Carradine,
Ed Asner
Added on Disney 2022-11-03.
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Dr. Jason Holden, early 50s, is in danger of losing his family, because of a tragic automobile accident. He becomes a piano accompanist at a local ballet studio and falls in love with Brandon Wykowski, 27, a troubled dancer.
Frederick Keeve,
Ricky Palomino,
Aaron Cavette,
Jeanette Driver,
Julia Doherty,
Christopher Pawl,
Angelle Brooks
Added on Amazon Prime 2023-02-08.
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