This searing British thriller follows Flash (Dylan Duffus), who's safeguarding his buddy Angel's (Yohance Watson) cash until his release from prison. Now Angel is out -- and Flash is 100 pounds short. He turns to a lowlife named …
Chris Wilson,
Dylan Duffus
Added on Amazon Prime 2023-02-08.
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Before the T.I.C and the Clappers crew were formed, the members worked for a ruthless Yardie boss, Beverly. One of the boys, Jay has ambitions to set up on his own. He has no money, his car keeps getting towed …
Ashley Chin,
Femi Oyeniran,
Nicky SlimTing Walker,
Dylan Duffus,
Shone Romulus,
Adam Deacon
Added on Amazon Prime 2021-12-15.
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