The Mobile Investigative Unit (known as "MIU") of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department attempts to solve cases within 24 hours. Detective Kazumi Shima is selected as a new member of MIU. He is intelligent, with excellent observation and communication skills. …
Go Ayano,
Gen Hoshino,
Koshi Mizukami,
Masaki Suda,
Kumiko Aso,
Tomoka Kurokawa,
Ouji Suzuka
Added on Netflix 2023-02-04.
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Nanase fell in love with Dr. Tendo five years ago. Now she's a nurse and ready to meet him again. But he's nothing like the nice guy she thought he was!
Mone Kamishiraishi,
Takeru Satoh,
Katsuya Maiguma,
Keisuke Watanabe,
Kumi Takiuchi,
Ai Yoshikawa,
Mayu Hotta,
Fukiko Hara,
Sei Ando,
Yukie Horimoto,
Ai Mikami,
Kami Hiraiwa,
Nana Katase,
Misako Renbutsu,
Koji Yamamoto
Added on Netflix 2024-02-09.
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