The drama revolves around the lives of housewives living in a luxurious residential area called SKY Castle in suburban Seoul, where wealthy doctors and professors live. The wives are determined to make their husbands more successful and to raise their …
Yum Jung-ah,
Yoon Se-ah,
Lee Tae-ran,
Kim Seo-hyung,
Oh Na-ra,
Jung Joon-ho,
Choi Won-young
Added on Netflix 2022-03-30.
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Two survivors of a building collapse discover support and love in each other as they overcome the pain of loss and reconstruct a hopeful future.
Lee Jun-ho,
Won Jin-a,
Lee Ki-woo,
Kang Han-na,
Kim Hye-jun,
Yoon Se-ah,
Kim Kang-hyun
Added on Hotstar 2022-08-05.
Added on Netflix 2022-03-30.
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