Samurai 7 is a 2004 anime TV series, produced by Gonzo and based on Akira Kurosawa's highly regarded 1954 movie Seven Samurai. The series was directed by Toshifumi Takizawa and its music was composed by Kaoru Wada and Eitetsu Hayashi. …
Kong Kuwata,
Masaki Terasoma,
Romi Park,
Shin-ichiro Miki,
Toru Kusano,
Tetsu Inada,
Fumiko Orikasa
Added on Netflix 2022-04-18.
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After her father is killed by the deadly coral menace, Anemone vows to have her revenge. But the only way to fight back is from the inside.
Ami Koshimizu,
Kaori Nazuka,
Shigenori Yamazaki,
Yuko Sanpei,
Yoko Soumi,
Yuriko Yamaguchi,
Shin-ichiro Miki
Added on Amazon Prime 2023-03-15.
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