This riveting series, based on true events, tells the chilling story of how a distinguished psychiatrist is exposed as an abusive monster and cold-blooded murderer. Highly respected by his peers, Dr. Raimundo Acosta has built a thriving practice and gained …
Beatriz Valdés,
Liz Coleandro,
Lorena Rojas,
Sebastian Ligarde,
Gabriel Valenzuela,
María Fernanda Yépes,
Marcela Mar
Added on Amazon Prime 2021-08-19.
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Itahisa Machado,
Guy Ecker,
Aarón Díaz,
Lorena Rojas,
Natalia Ramírez,
Ezequiel Montalt,
Zully Montero
Added on Amazon Prime 2022-07-01.
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