“Upin & Ipin” is a 3D animated series produced by Les’ Copaque Production Sdn. Bhd. and is currently one of the most popular animated series in Malaysia receiving excellent reviews and steadfastly averaging around 800, 000 viewers per episode. The …
Mohd Shafiq Mohd Isa,
Hjh Ainon Bt Ariff,
Maheswary Mohan,
Asyiela Putri,
Ros Hasrol Ahmad,
Muhd Arifin Ismail Isa,
Ida Shaheera
Added on Netflix 2022-04-03.
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Defeated and humiliated in a fight while trying to defuse a conflict among his fellow villagers, a photographer vows revenge on his attacker.
Satyadev Kancharana,
Hari Chandana,
Roopa Koduvayur,
Ravindra Vijay,
Jabardasth Ramprasad
Added on Netflix 2022-04-03.
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