Santiago of the Seas

Santiago of the Seas

2020 7.0 (0.2k)

Join Santiago, an 8-year-old pirate, and his crew as they embarks on rescues, uncover hidden treasures and keeps the Caribbean high seas safe. The show is infused with Spanish language and Latino-Caribbean culture and curriculum.


Leila Colom, Kevin Chacon, Alyssa Cheatham, Justice Quiroz, Dave Droxler, Kyndra Sanchez, Robin de Jesús


Drama, Family, Music

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Countries (outside of the US)

ae, ar, at, Australia, Belgium, bg, Brazil, Canada, ch, cl, co, cy, Germany, ec, Spain, France, Great Britain, gr, Hong Kong, id, ie, Italy, Mexico, my, The Netherlands, pa, pe, ph, Poland, pt, Singapore, th, Turkey, vn, South Africa

Available Languages (Netflix)

Available Subtitles (Netflix)
