The story follows Eren Yeager and Mikasa Ackerman entering Titan Jr. High, a school where humans and Titans study in the same area in coexistence. Because of a "traumatic" event, where the Colossal Titan ate his lunch back in middle …
Yuki Kaji,
Yui Ishikawa,
Marina Inoue,
Hiroshi Kamiya,
Yu Kobayashi,
Romi Park,
Kisho Taniyama
Added on Hulu 2022-11-21, leaving 2024-08-15.
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When the Golden Race invited other races to join them in the stars, three sentient races answered their call. The Goldens called them the Bronze, Silver and Heroic Tribes. Just before the Gold Tribe left to travel to another Universe, …
Hiroshi Yazaki,
Yui Ishikawa,
Kaori Shimizu,
Rie Kugimiya,
Satomi Arai,
Takashi Kondo,
Takashi Matsuyama
Added on Hulu 2022-11-11, leaving 2024-10-01.
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