Spider-Man: The New Animated Series is an American animated series based on the Marvel comic book superhero character Spider-Man, which ran for one season, 13 episodes, starting on July 11, 2003. It is a loose continuation of 2002's Spider-Man film …
Neil Patrick Harris,
Lisa Loeb,
Ian Ziering,
Angelle Brooks,
Su-chin Pak,
Keith Carradine,
Ed Asner
Added on Disney 2022-11-03.
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Mighty Ducks is an American animated television series that aired on ABC and The Disney Afternoon in the fall of 1996. The show was inspired by and loosely based on the live-action films and NHL team of the same name. …
Brad Garrett,
Jennifer Hale,
Dennis Franz,
Clancy Brown,
Ian Ziering,
Jim Belushi,
Roy Firestone
Added on Disney 2021-04-11.
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