Rupert is an animated television series based on the Mary Tourtel character Rupert Bear, produced by Nelvana, Ellipse Programmé and TVS for the first season, with Scottish Television taken over control when TVS closed. Aired from 1991 to 1997 with …
Keith White,
Colin Fox,
Guy Bannerman,
Torquil Campbell,
Hadley Kay,
Oscar Hsu,
Stephanie Morgenstern
Added on Amazon Prime 2023-10-28.
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Max's ordinary monster doll comes to life when its shackles are released by a magic key.
Stuart Stone,
Dan Hennessey,
Alyson Court,
Colin Fox,
Maxine Miller,
Robert Cait,
Noam Zylberman
Added on Amazon Prime 2021-11-13.
Peep and the Big Wide World is an animated cartoon that teaches nature and basic science concepts to preschoolers. The main characters include a yellow baby chick named Peep and his friends Quack, a teenaged blue drake, and Chirp, a …
Adrian Truss,
Alex Hood,
Alexander Conti,
Colin Fox,
David Huband,
Corinne Conley,
Jayne Eastwood
Added on Amazon Prime 2021-03-20.
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