Special Agent Oso is a Disney Channel interactive animated series created by Ford Riley. Special Agent Oso hit the air on April 4, 2009 with a six episode block, and the companion 15-episode series Three Healthy Steps first aired from …
Cam Clarke,
Phill Lewis,
Gary Anthony Williams,
Sean Astin,
Ciara Bravo
Added on Disney 2021-05-14.
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Four teenage friends move from Minneapolis to Los Angeles to form a potential chart-topping boy band after Kendall is inadvertently discovered by an eccentric record executive, Gustavo Rocque. As they seize this opportunity of a lifetime, these friends embark on …
Kendall Schmidt,
Logan Henderson,
James Maslow,
Carlos PenaVega,
Stephen Kramer Glickman,
Ciara Bravo,
Tanya Chisholm
Added on Paramount 2022-05-14.
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