Viktor Graves, a troubled young man who isolates himself in rural Ohio, survives an attack by a feral man. Soon after, Viktor sees and hears in-explainable terrors surrounding him at every moment, shredding his sanity and leaving him to wonder...what …
Timothy Novotny,
John Bradley Hambrick,
Geoff Burkman,
Erin R. Ryan,
Marylee Osborne,
Adam Scott Clevenger,
Eric Widing
Added on Amazon Prime 2022-05-27.
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The follow up to the hit documentary "Barista" features four National Barista champions from around the globe who represent their countries and their craft in an attempt to win the World Barista Championship in Seoul, South Korea.
Miki Suzuki,
Kyle Ramage,
Chloe J. Nattrass,
Niall Wynn,
Geoff Raffe,
Brian Atkinson
Added on Amazon Prime 2022-05-15.
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